
San Diego Criminal Attorneys Blog


Defending Against Vehicular Manslaughter Charges in California

One of the most tragic types of fatal automobile accidents occurs when no ill will is involved, no road rage, no deliberate drinking and driving, and no reckless speeding. One example of this type of tragedy is when one drives while unaware of the potentially dangerous side effects of a…


Fraud is a Common Criminal Charge in California

In addition to Assault and battery, theft, driving, drug, and sex crimes, fraud is among the most common criminal charges in the state of California. If you have been charges with any of these common yet very serious crimes, you need a skilled and experienced California criminal defense attorney to…


Defending Against Common Criminal Charges in California

Have you been charged with a crime in the state of California? If so, you should regard the charges with the utmost seriousness regardless of your personal perception of their validity.  The state’s prosecutor will be making every effort to convict you – an outcome that could change your life…


Defending Against Auto Burglary Charges in California

If you are convicted of auto burglary in the state of California, you could be sentenced to up to three years in jail. With such serious consequences looming, you need an experienced California criminal defense attorney to protect your legal rights. To convict you, the state’s prosecutor must prove every…


Defending Against Indecent Exposure Criminal Charges in California

Indecent exposure is a crime that is both serious and embarrassing in nature. The crime is defined as willfully exposing your genitals to another person with a desire to either sexually gratify yourself or offend the other individual. You might think that such an act, especially in today’s society, might…


Defending Against Arson Charges in California

Arson is punished harshly in California. One reason for this is because arson is capable of creating state-declared emergencies. This is especially the case in a span of drought-ridden years when even a small spark can spiral into out-of-control blazes, endangering both the state’s natural resources and the lives of…


Defending Against Three Strikes Criminal Charges in California

If you have been charged with a crime in California and already have previous convictions in the state on your criminal record, it is imperative that you contact an experienced California criminal defense attorney.  California has a “Three Strikes” law that serves as a basis for enhanced punishments for repeat…


Defending Against Elder Abuse Charges in the State of California

Conviction for elder abuse in the state of California comes with serious penalties, including fines, jail time, and reputation damage. If you have been charged with an elder abuse crime, you need an experienced California criminal defense attorney to protect your legal rights and mount the strongest defense possible. The…


When Computer Crimes and Elder Abuse Converge

With much of the world’s financial activity transitioned from paper-based to online systems, cyber crimes like fraud often occur in the elder abuse context. California already punishes cyber crime and elder abuse harshly when independent from one another. When the two crimes combine into one enterprise, the penalties for conviction…

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